This week is a site that I stumbled upon. When I was in the classroom, I used as much pop culture references as possible to connect my class material to the subject that we were currently teaching. This was a way that I could hook my students to continuing to learn about the topic at hand, while also consuming media in a lens of full understanding. This goes beyond the Schoolhouse Rock videos that most of our kids have seen. I cannot tell you the number of times that Family Guy and The Simpsons were brought up in my classes. Enter Classhook . Classhook is a site that collects clips from YouTube and Vimeo that teachers look at and use, and applies it to a database that we can search for by standard or topic. It is incredibly cool. One of the best parts? Your students do not need accounts, only you. Most of the clips are readily available elsewhere, but this site organizes them for busy teachers. The site is continuing to grow, with it just starting recently and growing in popula...