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Updates to Google Suite

It has been a while since I have provided some of the updates that are coming from Google in regards to their Google Suite for Education product line. I wanted to make sure to take some time and provide an update to some of the things that are coming down the line from Google.

Rotate Text In Google Sheets

Google Sheets got a relatively minor update a few weeks ago. When working with sheets, you would sometimes have a large cell at the top for a small amount of text in the column below. With the latest update to Sheets, you can now rotate the top line of text in the cell to better fit the content of your columns.

Google Sheet to Rotate Text

To rotate the text in Sheets, simply select the cell and locate the text direction box. It has an "A" with an arrow under it at an angle. Click and select the degree measure that you wish to rotate to.

This is helpful for formatting and making sheets work better for you.

Case Control in Google Docs

Earlier this week, Google released an update to Google Docs that allows for you to control the case of the document. For instance, if you were working with a document and you did not use the proper Title Case for a portion, or you hit the caps lock key and didn't realize that you typed in all caps, there is now a simply remedy for that situation. 

Google now allows you to use the format toolbar to assist you in fixing your text. To begin, highlight the text that you wish to change. Next, locate the "Format" option on the toolbar. You will scroll downward until you find "Capitalization" as an option. Once you select that, it will give you the option to use all UPPERCASE, lowercase, or Title Case. This feature is a great feature that can help us be more efficient in Google Docs. 

Finding Capitalization in Google Docs


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