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Have mail that is filtered away from your primary inbox in GMail? Here is a quick fix!

The Issue

One of my teachers was bummed to learn that my weekly newsletters were ending up in the promotions tab. When GMail introduced the tabbed inbox, your email was sorting itself. I love the tabbed inbox because it only alerts me when I have a new email that is deemed important, although there are companies that are figuring out how to beat the artificial intelligence that sorts. Since I use an outside service (Mailchimp) to produce my weekly newsletters, when I sort the email, it thinks that I am trying to sell you something and places it in a different tab. With a few clicks, you can fix this in your inbox!

The Fix

1). Start by logging into your GMail.
GMail Inbox Screenshot

2). Go to the tabbed portion of your inbox with the email that you wish to be notified for. Once you have located that click the checkbox to the left of the "sender" information.

GMail Screenshot Checkbox Clicked

3). Now, located the six dots to the left of the checkbox on the same line. Place mouse over those dots and click to initiate a drag and drop function to your inbox.

GMail Inbox Highlighted Drag and Drop

4). Drag to the primary inbox. Click on the primary inbox. At the top, you should notice a yellow box explaining what you did and if you wish to make this switch permanent. Click "yes."

GMail Screenshot Primary Inbox Highlighted Email

If you wish to move a promotional email out of your primary inbox, simply start in the primary inbox and follow the same steps. As you progress with GMail, it will begin to recognize some of the habits associated with your inbox and start to provide you with better filtering options.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


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