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Hour of Code in Coloma Community Schools

This past week has been #CSEdWeek! The goal of the week is to bring awareness to schools across the country and the world that Computer Science is a field of study that our students can get into, learn, and easily land in a career. There are a bunch of resources and stats that support that statement. Including the current 600,000 unoccupied Computer Science jobs that are available in the United States with an average starting salary of $75,000. Check out the infographic below to learn more about the stats.

Needless to say, Tonya and I tried to get in as many classrooms as we could to talk to the students about Computer Science and allow them to try it out through Hour of Code. The discussion was that this is more than fun and games, but we are working on skills like computational thinking, problem-solving, and critical thinking. The students loved it. We hit all of CIS and parts of CES. We also had a Family Code Night for our K-5 families on Wednesday. We invited students to come in and show off what they could do to their parents. It was great.

The moral of this all is that, while it was computer science education week, we cannot limit this type of learning and action to one week a year. We need to explore ways that we can continue to raise awareness and inform our students that they can easily make a career in computer science that makes a decent living. If you want to do something with Computer Science in your class, let me know and we can set it up! 


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