Just after the calendar struck 2018, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) released a great gift. The MDE approved the updated Technology Competencies for Students. This update, which is set to replace the 2009 Michigan Educational Technology Standards for Students (METS-S), is based largely upon the International Society for Technology in Education's (ISTE) 2016 Standards for Students. While the METS-S focused more on skills with the technology, the updated MITECS focus almost exclusively on the learning and doing with technology. This is moving away from a more tool-specific approach to a more holistic approach to technology integration. Dr. Liz Kolb, one of the keynotes that the Lake Michigan Tech Conference this summer, phrases it perfectly in her new book, Learning First, Technology Second . To paraphrase Dr. Kolb (2017), you don't choose the tool and then find the problem. The MITECS take that approach to technology integration. As students progress through thei...