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App Highlight - Edulastic - Week of January 22nd, 2018

This is something new that I wanted to start. Each mailing of the newsletter, I will be posting an App Highlight and sharing it with my teachers. The goal is to bring awareness to tools that people may not be as familiar with. Each App Highlight will focus on a website or tool that works with our Chromebook devices and has the potential, when used correctly, to enhance our student learning! 

App Highlight - Edulastic

In the first edition of the Comet Tech App Highlight, I want to shed light on a tool that bills itself as "Interactive Formative Assessment." This is not a quiz game like Kahoot! or Quizlet, instead this service allows for you to build assessments for your student that mimic other online tests, like state standardized tests. Edulastic boosts over 25,000 Edulastic Certified Assessment questions and over 66,000 educator created questions. There is also a helpful search feature on the site to help navigate the nearly 100,000 questions. Some of the teacher created questions lack the drag and drop features, but when creating questions, you could write your own. 

Overall, my experience with the service is that it is extremely useful for math and language arts, and it developing for other subjects. It is useful as it is a way to apply the standardized testing skills that our students need practice with will allowing you to place that practice in your curriculum. This can add value to the practice of preparing for online standardized testing. 

Overall, Edulastic is a freemium (free with premium options) service. While they are pretty secretive as the overall price that would be paid for their service, the free version allows you to sync with Google Classroom rosters and see your student's work. This service is something that is extremely useful, but it is not a go-to replace-all tool. 

Check out Edulastic here. Let me know if you have any questions. 


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