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The Google Explore Tool - In the G Suite Application Near You

The Explore Tool
The Explore Tool
Google is constantly updating. Frequently, features are added and go away with little notice. One of the new features that was added shortly after the name change to G Suite (from Google Apps for Education - GAFE). Another new feature after the was the explore button.

Maybe you have noticed the "thought bubble with a star" in the lower right hand corner on your G Suite documents. Maybe you have even seen the "thought bubble with a star" change over and say explore. Maybe you have even clicked on it to see what it will do.

The Explore Tool is a fantastic tool that can help you in all of the G Suite applications (Docs, Sheets, and Slides). It will offer you suggestions on how to complete a task, offer you an opportunity to do research and create a footnote as a citation (I know, its not quite MLA and that is what we tend to focus on, but it is a starting point and will source as MLA for movement to a works cited page), it will even double check your data and offer you some solutions on how to work it better. Overall, the Explore tool will offer you quite a few useful options on how to continue to improve the look, feel, and performance of our G Suite Applications.
Explore in Google Docs
Explore in Google Docs
Explore in Google Sheets
Explore in Google Sheets

Explore in Google Slides
Explore in Google Slides


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