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Trying New Things

This video, in which a young person attempts a ski long jump, is a fantastic reminder about trying new things. In the beginning, the young lady is apprehensive, scared, and nervous. In so much of what we do, the things we try, and how we handle these new situations, we feel the same way! Then, her nerve rises to a level where she pushes off, she soars through the air and stomps her landing. The exhilaration that she feels after this accomplishment is what we strive for in our teaching. Sometimes, to get there, we have to try new things. When we do, things seem much easier to try other new things. 

This video is representative of the struggle and reward of trying new things in the classroom. While this young person didn't stumble or fall, we sometimes do. How we respond is essential to what we do next. But one thing is clear when we try new things and experience success, more new things become easier. Try them! 


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