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Showing posts from September, 2017

Creating GIFs with Google Photos

Gifs, or Gifs, or however you pronounce it are popular "moving images" that are light and easy to use across a variety of platforms. While there are Gif creators available, Google Photos allows you to create your own based on your images without compromising who has your pictures. To begin, think of something that you will want to create a Gif of. It could be something like a series of photos, a math problem, or funny reactionary faces to something that happened in class. Be sure to check the Do Not Publish list to ensure that any students are clear to be published. When creating Gifs, you will upload the images to your Google Photos account at . I like to add them to an album. For this purpose, I solved a math equation in Google Drawings and downloaded the images as PNGs. The upload button is on the same line as your image for your Google Account. Click upload and select the images that you would like to use for the creation of the Gif. You can select m

90 Second Chromebook Tips & Tricks - Adjusting the Screen Resolution

The K-12 Horizon Report - Trends

Every year, the New Media Consortium and the Consortium for School Networking publish the Horizon Report for both K-12 education and higher education. In this report, which is heavily based on research that the two groups have conducted, tries to identify the upcoming trends in educational technology. While this is more of an idea than what will actually come, it is fun to examine and see what some of the trends and ideas are. If you are interested, you can get the full report here . Executive Summary Trends - Advancing progressive learning approaches require cultural transformations.  In order to be a school of the future, schools must be looking to freshen up the way that students and teachers communicate and share their knowledge. They must be prepared for this regardless of changes in staffing, leadership, etc.  - Learners are creators. If you have followed the session topics from MACUL and other edtech conferences, you have seen a push towards makerspaces and how they e

How to Enable Flash and other tools on our Chromebooks

While I made this video specifically for the students in Edgenuity, I thought that it would be worthwhile to share with all students as they navigate their Chromebooks to different learning activities on the web. One of the biggest things that this encounters is Flash and Flash Objects that have been disabled. It is also useful for turning the microphone on as well.

G Suite and the Summer of Updates

Welcome back! Your Google has changed! Google knows that tools like Classroom and Forms have a huge user base focused on education. So, when you left in June and came back in September, both Classroom and Forms have some new features. Instead of boring you with all of the details, which you can read here , I have some of the basic updates for you. For starters, you classroom now has a dedicated page for each student. Instead of having to locate where your student and their work is, you can simply click on the student and view all of their work for your class. See what is missing, what is not, and what still needs to be graded. This feature will allow for you to easily find a way to support students in their learning from day to day. Next, Google Classroom will now allow you to reorder your classes based on your schedule. Just click, drag, and drop where you want them to go. Google is also working to allow for some more integrations with apps. For instance, the popular PDF vie