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Showing posts from October, 2016

There's Nothing Scary about Your Drive - Tips for Organizing - Part Four - Tips to Stay Organized - Lunch & Learns

Part One , Part Two , and Part Three . Tips for Staying Organized with Google Drive Name All of Your Files - Google will allow you to have 1000s of “Untitled Document” in your Drive. As a general rule and first step, when creating a new file, give it a name. Speaking of names, check out tip number two for more on names. Develop a System of Naming Your Files - There are thousands of possibilities, but when I taught Government, economics, and 8th Grade Social Studies, I used a system to designate the files for each class. If the file was for Government class, I would start each file with G-Filename. Economics would have an E and eighth grade would have an 8. This allowed me to quickly sort and place them in their proper folders. I have also seen people use the date, in numeric form, such as 10252016 at the beginning or end of the file name to help them recognize the file. It is up to you, but it is highly recommended that you develop a system to start the naming of you files. T

There's Nothing Scary About Your Drive - Organizing Your Drive - Part Three - Sorting Files and Creating Folders - Lunch & Learns

Check out Part One and Part Two ! Sorting Files in Google Drive Google Drive allows you to manipulate the files to show up different ways, but only allows you to do it in two different ways. Sorting can be a major help in finding the file that you need when you need it. With Google Drive, the two ways that you can sort are by name and by last modified. As I mentioned above, there would be times where it would be beneficial to switch between the views, and this would be one of them. Grid view currently does not allow you to sort by name, only when the item was last modified. There are two ways to sort, both of which will have you clicking on a certain spot. To sort by name, simply click where it says name in List View. To sort by date simply click “ Last Modified.” You can see an example below. Sorting in Google Drive Creating Folders in Google Drive One final way to stay organized in Google Drive is to begin the process of organizing your Drive files. Think of it in t

There's Nothing Scary About Your Google Drive - Tips for Organization - Part Two - Changing the Appearance of Your Google Drive

Check out Part One! Changing the Appearance of your Google Drive Google Drive allows you to customize the experience of Google Drive, to an extent.  While a total customization is not possible, there are a handful of things that you could easily do to help you manage your Google Drive. Changing the View: Google provides you with two stock views. First, you can view your items as a grid view. This view will display your items as a grid, providing a small preview of many of the documents that you could be opening. You can see an example of the Grid View. Grid View of Google Drive The opposing view option is list view. List view will provide you with a list of all of the files, as well as give you some additional information about each file, such as last modified and the size of the file (Just a heads up, Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets do not take up any space, therefore, do not have a file size). Check out the example of the same page below to see what the list v

There's Nothing Scary About Your Google Drive - Part One - What is Google Drive? and Basic Navigation - Lunch & Learn

What is Google Drive? Google Drive is cloud-based file storage system. This system goes above many of the other competitors because it also allows for file creation, editing, and distribution of the files. Google Drive is capable of storing almost any file type imaginable. Through your Coloma account, you have unlimited storage available to you. You can also create, store, and distribute documents that you create using Google Drive. With the addition of an extension, you can also edit Microsoft Office files in your Google Drive. You can also access your files from wherever you are, regardless of the computer that you are on. Google Drive allows you to sign in and have full access to your documents on any internet connected device. Navigating Your Google Drive There are a few ways that you can navigate your Google Drive for maximum efficiency when seeking files. For starters, let’s get to know our Google Drive and the page layout. Google Drive Landing Screen Google Dr

Don't Be Scared of Your Email - Controlling Your Inbox - Part Four - Bonus Tips

Part Four - Bonus Tips and Tricks Did you miss parts one , two , or three ? Check them out! Use the Archive Button GMail offers an Archive Button. This takes your mail and takes it out of your inbox and places it in “All Mail.” It is not deleted! It is still there, just hanging out in the background. The Archive Button can be found by selecting a message and then locating the Archive Button. You can even archive after reading a message using the same button on your message screen. If you place an email into all mail, use what Google was first known for - the Search bar! Search your inbox for that specific email. Unsubscribe from Vendor Mailings If you are getting a ton of promotional emails from groups, don’t be afraid to unsubscribe from their mailing lists. By law, they should have an “Unsubscribe” button at the bottom of their email. ( Shameless Plug - Sign Up for the Comet Tech Tips and Tricks Weekly Newsletter! )

Don't Be Scared of Your Email - Controlling Your Inbox - Part Three - Using Filters

Part Three - Creating and Using Filters Did you miss part one ? What about part two ? Taking the idea of labels one step further, you can have your GMail automatically direct your emails into the labels that you created, even bypassing your inbox entirely! The upside that your inbox stays incredibly organized. The downside is that you will have to be sure to keep an eye out for important emails that might land there. For steps on creating and setting up your filters, see the steps below. Go to Settings. Select “Filters and Blocked Addresses” Scroll down to create new filters Begin setting parameters for your new filter. When you are working, you can search using the Magnifying Glass. To proceed, you must select the “Create Filter with This Search.” Once you have set the parameters of your filter, you can easily begin to filter the emails and lessen the load on your inbox. Now that you have the filters set, you c

Don't Be Scared of Your Email - Controlling Your Inbox - Part Two - Labels in GMail

Part Two - Organizing Your Inbox Using Labels Did you miss part one? Go back and check it out here! Labels are a lot like folders. In the past, you may have moved your messages into a folder to save them. With GMail, labels are similar. For instance, with labels, you can have the emails be labeled as they enter your inbox. Creating labels is simple, and you can drastically help maintain a cleaner looking inbox using your labels. To create labels, you will simply follow the steps below. Go To Settings Select Labels from the Top Bar of Links. You can also use the Show/Hide Links to Control what labels show and which ones do not. To create a new label, scroll down until you see the “Create New Label” button. Remember, Labels act like folders, so you can classify conversations. It might be useful to have one for the Principal, Parent Communications, etc. You then name (and nest, if necessary - think of it as a subfolder) your Label and hit

Don't Be Scared of Your Email - Controlling Your Inbox - Part One - Styling Your GMail

Part One - Styling your Inbox - How Do You Want It to Look With GMail, you have a few different option on how you want your inbox to display. For starters, there five options that you can choose from. The default option, creates tabs for your email and begins the process of sorting the email for you. The next option, Importance First, using artificial intelligence to sort your mail based on your previous history. If a message is deemed important, it will be placed on the top. If not, it will be sorted to the bottom. The next option is unread first. This option, sorts your mail by if you have read the mail or not. If you have, it goes to the bottom. If you have not, it will be sorted to the top. This is one way to be sure that you do not miss important emails. Google also offers you an opportunity to mark emails as important. Using the star system, Google offers that as a way to sort your mail. While this is nice, it does rely upon your actions to work. Finally, priority inbox