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October & November Lunch & Learns Schedule

I hope that Lunch & Learns will be something that you find valuable in helping you grow in your use of technology. As we get this underway, please check the schedule and see if there are any that you would like to attend. These are 100% optional. I hope you will see and find value in them. To RSVP for them, please visit this form.

Check out this handy postcard.

  • October 25th - Don't Be Scarred of Your Email - Take Control of Your Inbox
  • October 27th - There's Nothing Scary about your Drive - Tips for Organizing Google Drive
  • November 1st - Let's Talk about Tech - Tech Integration with TPACK and SAMR
  • November 3rd - Coffee Talk - What Do We Really Want Students to Learn? 
  • November 10th - Deeper Dive - Swimming in Google Docs
  • November 17th - Let's Talk Turkey - G-Suite vs. Microsoft Office
  • November 22nd - Maximize - Getting More from G-Suite
  • November 29th - Informing Your Teaching - Formative Assessment in Your Classroom
  • December 1st - A Place to Share - Teacher Webpages with the New Website
If you have any suggestions for future topics, be sure to let me know here


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