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Don't Be Scared of Your Email - Controlling Your Inbox - Part Three - Using Filters

Part Three - Creating and Using Filters

Did you miss part one? What about part two?

Taking the idea of labels one step further, you can have your GMail automatically direct your emails into the labels that you created, even bypassing your inbox entirely! The upside that your inbox stays incredibly organized. The downside is that you will have to be sure to keep an eye out for important emails that might land there.

For steps on creating and setting up your filters, see the steps below.

  1. Go to Settings.

Screenshot 2016 10 24 at 2.16.51 PM.png

  1. Select “Filters and Blocked Addresses”

Screenshot 2016 10 25 at 8.38.07 AM.png

  1. Scroll down to create new filters

Screenshot 2016 10 25 at 8.40.35 AM.png

  1. Begin setting parameters for your new filter. When you are working, you can search using the Magnifying Glass. To proceed, you must select the “Create Filter with This Search.”

Screenshot 2016 10 25 at 8.44.18 AM.png

  1. Once you have set the parameters of your filter, you can easily begin to filter the emails and lessen the load on your inbox.

Screenshot 2016 10 25 at 8.48.11 AM.png

  1. Now that you have the filters set, you can create more to manage even more of the email load.

Hopefully you can leverage the amazing power of filters and labels in your email management. Stay tuned as there will be some bonus tips on using email and strategies to help maximize the efforts of managing our emails.


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