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There's Nothing Scary about Your Drive - Tips for Organizing - Part Four - Tips to Stay Organized - Lunch & Learns

Part One, Part Two, and Part Three.

Tips for Staying Organized with Google Drive

  1. Name All of Your Files - Google will allow you to have 1000s of “Untitled Document” in your Drive. As a general rule and first step, when creating a new file, give it a name. Speaking of names, check out tip number two for more on names.
  2. Develop a System of Naming Your Files - There are thousands of possibilities, but when I taught Government, economics, and 8th Grade Social Studies, I used a system to designate the files for each class. If the file was for Government class, I would start each file with G-Filename. Economics would have an E and eighth grade would have an 8. This allowed me to quickly sort and place them in their proper folders. I have also seen people use the date, in numeric form, such as 10252016 at the beginning or end of the file name to help them recognize the file. It is up to you, but it is highly recommended that you develop a system to start the naming of you files. The most important thing that you can do here is stick to your plan.
  3. Take a moment - Each week, do not be afraid to take a moment and get your items organized. If being organized helps you be more efficient, it is worth the minute that you have take to do it.
  4. Color Code Your Folders - Color Coding your Folders can help you stay organized as well. When you create a folder, simply use a two-finger click and scroll until you see “Change Color” as an option. While you cannot do it to individual files, you can organize your folders to be color coded.
Change the Colors of Folders
Change the Colors of Folders
  1. Add the “Shared With Me” to your Google Drive - Take those files out of the extra folder and put them with the rest of your files. It is a quick, easy process. Start by navigating to the “shared with me” area. Then, perform a two-finger or right-click on the file or folder that has been shared with you. Next, select “Add to My Drive” from the list of options. You can also move it to an appropriate folder from the menu as well.

Add to My Drive
Add to My Drive


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