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There's Nothing Scary About Your Google Drive - Tips for Organization - Part Two - Changing the Appearance of Your Google Drive

Check out Part One!

Changing the Appearance of your Google Drive

Google Drive allows you to customize the experience of Google Drive, to an extent.  While a total customization is not possible, there are a handful of things that you could easily do to help you manage your Google Drive.
Changing the View:
Google provides you with two stock views. First, you can view your items as a grid view. This view will display your items as a grid, providing a small preview of many of the documents that you could be opening. You can see an example of the Grid View.

Grid View of Google Drive
Grid View of Google Drive
The opposing view option is list view. List view will provide you with a list of all of the files, as well as give you some additional information about each file, such as last modified and the size of the file (Just a heads up, Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets do not take up any space, therefore, do not have a file size). Check out the example of the same page below to see what the list view looks like.

List View in Google Drive
List View in Google Drive

Overall, the view that you choose is entirely up to you. There are very few differences between the two views. You should go with the one that you prefer the most, as it will be more comfortable for you. There may also be times where is makes more sense for you to switch back and forth, and that is an easy thing to do. Simply locate the “Grid” if you are in list view, and the “list” if you are in Grid view.
Changing Views in Google Drive
List View in Google Drive


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