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There's Nothing Scary About Your Drive - Organizing Your Drive - Part Three - Sorting Files and Creating Folders - Lunch & Learns

Check out Part One and Part Two!
Sorting Files in Google Drive
Google Drive allows you to manipulate the files to show up different ways, but only allows you to do it in two different ways. Sorting can be a major help in finding the file that you need when you need it. With Google Drive, the two ways that you can sort are by name and by last modified. As I mentioned above, there would be times where it would be beneficial to switch between the views, and this would be one of them. Grid view currently does not allow you to sort by name, only when the item was last modified.
There are two ways to sort, both of which will have you clicking on a certain spot. To sort by name, simply click where it says name in List View. To sort by date simply click “ Last Modified.” You can see an example below.

Sorting in Google Drive
Sorting in Google Drive

Creating Folders in Google Drive
One final way to stay organized in Google Drive is to begin the process of organizing your Drive files. Think of it in the same way that you would think of the files on your desktop computer. You probably have folders for different classes, years, etc. With Google Drive, you can sort the same way and have the files be nice and organized and easily found if you need them. Creating folders is an easy step in beginning the journey to organization. To create a folder, simply click “new” in the Google Drive landing page and then select folder. Give it a name and you are done.

Creating New Folders in Google Drive
Creating New Folders in Google Drive


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