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Don't Be Scared of Your Email - Controlling Your Inbox - Part Two - Labels in GMail

Part Two - Organizing Your Inbox Using Labels

Did you miss part one? Go back and check it out here!

Labels are a lot like folders. In the past, you may have moved your messages into a folder to save them. With GMail, labels are similar. For instance, with labels, you can have the emails be labeled as they enter your inbox. Creating labels is simple, and you can drastically help maintain a cleaner looking inbox using your labels.

To create labels, you will simply follow the steps below.

  1. Go To Settings
Screenshot 2016 10 24 at 2.16.51 PM.png

  1. Select Labels from the Top Bar of Links. You can also use the Show/Hide Links to Control what labels show and which ones do not.

Screenshot 2016 10 25 at 8.25.02 AM.png

  1. To create a new label, scroll down until you see the “Create New Label” button. Remember, Labels act like folders, so you can classify conversations. It might be useful to have one for the Principal, Parent Communications, etc.

Screenshot 2016 10 25 at 8.26.07 AM.png

  1. You then name (and nest, if necessary - think of it as a subfolder) your Label and hit “Create”.

  1. Use the Move Button, or Select and Drag in your inbox, to move the messages to the appropriate Label.

Labels can make our email more organized and allow us to quickly save important messages where they are readily accessible. Meaningful and purposeful use of labels can make our email load much more manageable. Stay tuned, as filters can do even more for you!


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